New latex

The first thing to mention is that it’s generally better not to wear latex in the form you get it from a store or from a designer. Such attempts are bound to be time-consuming and, more importantly, expose your closet to damage. So, if you have received your first latex, it is best to first wash it and prepare it for easy wear. This applies especially to larger garments such as t-shirts, shirts, leggings, pants, catsuits and more. This is important because you can get completely unnecessarily discouraged by the material just because you tried to dress it incorrectly. As we know, the first impression can be made only once, and in this case you can really faint from the impression. It is therefore worth approaching the subject calmly, so that you can later recall this moment.
How to dress latex
Latex clothes are, as you may already know, clothes with completely different characteristics from all others. Therefore, they cannot be dressed just like a sweater or jeans. However, if you know how to approach the subject, the whole thing is not so difficult and time consuming. First of all, you need an aid that reduces the friction between your skin and the material so that you can slip into your clothes. There are two basic approaches to this problem – the use of talc or silicone. Remember that under no circumstances can you use oils, olives and the like. They damage latex, will cause the material to crack quickly, and you will probably never wear a garment that has just been oiled once again.

The first fairly obvious remedy for dressing latex is talc. It is readily available, e.g. in pharmacies, and its price is not high. Unscented talc is particularly good here. Talc is used, for example, with rubber gloves or disposable gloves. Such gloves are described as powdered gloves. It facilitates dressing and also absorbs moisture. Unfortunately, the advantages are also somewhat disadvantages. Talc is a fine powder, so when you talc your clothes or body it very often floats all around and settles on the floor and furniture. The second disadvantage is the formation of lumps of talcum powder after contact with moisture. So if you start sweating, unwanted white clumps can form under the latex. This is particularly unsightly with transparent or partially transparent materials. We should also remember that a mixture of sweat and talcum powder can run down our legs, for example. As a result, talc is not widely used in latex fashion, although there are proponents of it. Of course, it also all depends on what items of clothing you are going to use it for – it’s different for a whole suit, and different for gloves or masks.
The second approach to comfortably dressing latex is any silicone-based liquid aid. These are often referred to as dressing aids. Silicone is an agent that is slippery and does not react with rubber. It is in liquid form so it can be applied directly to the fabric and/or skin. Silicone is also used in spray form, but this is an inconvenient and uneconomical form of application due to the fact that it cannot be applied precisely (usually the whole floor around it is slippery) and a large amount of the preparation floats in the air. Silicone is colorless and does not dissolve in water and does not bond with it. This avoids unsightly problems. After perspiration, some of the silicone may leak out from under the material, but generally this is not a big problem, and the silicone still remains between the latex and the material – it is still comfortable. An important feature of silicone is that, in addition to making dressing easier, it can also be successfully used to shine the material. This is very convenient. Silicone aids are commonly used in latex fashion. They also have some disadvantages. The first of these is availability. Unfortunately, such aids are not available like talc. There are several brands on the market that produce aids dedicated to latex, and among them, dressing preparations. Non-dedicated aids can also be used successfully, especially those based on dimethylsiloxane (dimethicone). There are technical silicones on the market that are 100% dimethicone. It is important that the product is as pure as possible since it comes in direct contact with the skin. Dimethicone is widely used in cosmetics and medicine, among other things. It does not penetrate the skin. The second disadvantage is the price. Dedicated aids can be particularly expensive, but they are optimized for their specific use as latex dressing aids.

If we already have a means of dressing chosen, it is worth knowing a few technical tricks so that dressing is not difficult and time-consuming. Of course, dressing smaller things is relatively easy, so let’s just take into account the larger things – catsuits. It’s best to have a second person to help, but you can also do it yourself, it’s all a matter of practice. Silicone or talc should be on the latex. You can also lubricate the body. It’s especially good to apply it to areas such as elbows, shoulders, knees, hips and other areas where there is a lot of body movement. It is also worth dressing the first few times in front of a mirror, so you can see how the material behaves, where it tightens up and so on. Start with the leg – take it in both hands, roll it along the whole length and put it through the foot. Now roll it out from the bottom up the leg. One leg can be worn past the knee and then repeat with the other leg. Later, we dress it to the end and further through the hips, reaching the waist. The same procedure will be practical for all other lower garments, such as leggings, stockings, tights. The next steps may vary, depending on the type of suit and the zippers, which may be front, back, short or long. Sometimes there are no zippers at all, in which case we talk about a neck entry suit, which is entirely dressed through the neck opening. As a rule, with the suit dressed to the waist, the next step is the sleeves. Here we also try to use the rolling trick as much as possible. If you’re dressing yourself, the first sleeve is always pretty easy and can be rolled nicely, while the second sleeve is more of a challenge – do it carefully and don’t stretch the latex to the limit. Once you have the sleeves dressed, just zip up and the whole torso will blandly “dress” itself and fit your body. If the zipper is on the back and it is difficult to fasten it, it is worth using a patent from water sports suits – attach a lanyard to the zipper. It is much easier to fasten the zipper by pulling a longer leash than by the zipper itself. Remember to pull the leash in the right direction (upwards). Also, check that the zipper is fastening (mirror) so you don’t pull the razor out. Finally, it’s a good idea to make a few moves and adjustments so the latex sits comfortably on your body and you’re done!

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