Can AI generate latex?


The development of artificial intelligence has grown at a dizzying speed in recent years. New and better tools are able to solve various tasks faster and better. Let's check out how AI handles generating images with latex clothing.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a concept that has been around for more than half a century. It has developed quite rapidly especially with the development of computers and the increase in their computing power. However, it is the last few years (or even months) that seem to have brought us a real revolution in this area. The most popular has become ChatGPT. Its creation took only a few years, while the effects today make us ask the legitimate question of whether we are standing on the edge of a revolution in the way we obtain and retrieve situations. Similarly, great progress has been made in the generation of images. Today you don’t need to have the ability or graphic tools to do this, but only need to describe what you need. Algorithms will create various graphics for us. One such tool is Midjourney. So let’s see how the artificial intelligence will handle the generation of images in which latex is to play a leading role. Below are some graphics from this experiment.

And did you manage to generate some interesting latex-related images? If so, feel free to share them with us, and maybe we can collect and publish them here. Feel free to send AI-generated graphics to

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